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  Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie by Alanis Morissette
Artist:Alanis Morissette
Album:Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Genre:Alt. Rock
Album Length:1:11:51
n/aYour Congratulations *3:54
n/aBaba *4:29
n/aThank U *4:18
n/aAre You Still Mad *4:04
n/aSympathetic Character *5:13
n/aThat I Would Be Good *4:16
n/aThe Couch *5:24
n/aCan't Not *4:36
n/aU R *3:31
n/aI Was Hoping *3:51
n/aOne *4:40
n/aWould Not Come *4:05
n/aUnsent *4:10
n/aSo Pure *2:50
n/aJoining You *4:24
n/aHeart of the House *3:46
n/aFront Row *4:13
[Album Cover]
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