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  # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  
4:18Before Today1Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
4:29Big Deal7Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
6:18Blame3Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
7:11Compression6Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
3:49Downhill Racer7Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
6:24Five Fathoms1Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
4:33Flipside6Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
4:54Good Cop Bad Cop9Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
5:12Hatfield 19804Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
4:45Low Tide of the Night2Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
5:30Lullaby of Clubland8Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
3:27Mirrorball8Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
4:26No Difference9Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
4:38Single3Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
5:20Temperamental5Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
7:52The Future of the Future (Stay Gold)10Everything But the GirlTemperamentalAlternative Rock1999
3:50The Heart Remains a Child4Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
6:05Walking Wounded5Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
6:43Walking Wounded [Omni Trio Remix][Mix]11Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
4:36Wrong2Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
4:45Wrong [Todd Terry Remix]10Everything But the GirlWalking WoundedAlternative Rock1996
Total playtime: 0d 1:49:16
  # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  
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